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 Information Papers

From time-to-time we add information papers or notes to the website. These illustrate aspects of our business, or the services that we provide. Papers are added on an "ad hoc' basis. We welcome suggestions about subjects we could tackle and contributions from the professionals in our network.

Please click on the subject of your interest to go to the paper

'Approach to Farm Planning'- an exposition of FoodWorks' approach and methodology applied to farm planning. The approach is based on mainstream best practice, and so is a helpful introduction to the subject (2016).

'Fisheries: Transforming the Role of Women' - if women are fully engaged and supported in all types of rural activity the work goes better and the profits are higher. The key point of this paper is that it is the context in which women work, not strictly technical fisheries work,  that has the most impact (2015).

'Monitoring & Evaluation: Approach and Method' - this 14-page paper presents a personalized view of how many funding agencies and governments approach these critical project functions. It concludes that more lip-service is paid to M&E than actual worthwhile knowledge generated.  The main example is taken from a recent evaluation task undertaken for The World Bank in Madhya Pradesh, India (2015).

'Value Chain Analysis: In the Real World' - an introduction to our real world approach to integrated value chain analysis with examples (2016). We show that both private investors and official funding agencies need to understand the entire value chain from inputs through farming to processing and delivery to the consumer.

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