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Case Studies and Reports

These are examples of our work (Note 1). Click on the title to download case studies and reports  (Note 2).                                                        

Africa and the  Middle East

UAE and Zambia - Bio-Energy Investment Project 

Prepared for our sister company, Global Solutions Group, in Dubai. The proposed project is seeking investment of $13 million for the development of 2,000 hectares of Pongamia Pinnata as feedstock for bio-diesel.

Iraq - Fruit Juice Feasibility Study


Undertaken under contract by Agland Investment Service and The Louis Berger Group for the "Inma" (Ar. "growth") Agribusiness Program in Baghdad and Erbil in 2011. The PowerPoint is accompanied by a 100-page report (not provided).


South Sudan - Appraisal of Agricultural Business Opportunities  


This report was undertaken in 2011 for a major US-based "not-for-profit" company.  the assessment focused on the productive equatorial region or "Green Belt" from Torit to Yei and Yambio. The document is in abridged and redacted to remove any proprietary information, business information or corporate and personal references.

Tanzania - Agriculture and Fishery Sector Assessment 

Undertaken in 2010 as part of an overall assessment of opportuntities in East Africa for a US company. The report is country-wide and inclusive of production, processing, markets and competitiveness as well as policy considerations.

Yemen - Case Study of Community Stabilization

Prepared in Sanaa and on the South Coast of Yemen in 2009, this study was part of a pre-qualification for a USAID project.  The client name has been redacted and no proprietary data is included. It does provide an example of our work undertaken in very challenging conditions (field work was extremely hazardous) and overall strategic development approach aimed at a quick impact.

Central and South Asia

Afghanistan - Agricultural Survey of Tarnak Farm


This short survey is focused on a specific farming area near Kandahar City. Prepared in 2010 for ISAF-NATO and USAID under the "Afghan First" Program to supply safe foodstuffs to government and allied forces,  it is preliminary work to help understand the basic agricultural parameters for developing this site.

Afghanistan - Saffron Value Chain Market Assessment Study

Undertaken in 2012 via Agland Investments Inc. for USAID with field work in Herat, Istanbul, Dubai and Alicante in Spain. The Afghan saffron industry is seen from the perspective of the international industry that is dominated by Iran which exports 80 to 90 percent of the available worldsupply of saffron.

Pakistan - Studies in Economic Growth and  Competitiveness (click on each title). The reports were undertaken for the Competitiveness Support Fund supported by USAID from 2007-2009

Pakistan - Livestock Industry Study

This report was undertaken in 2008 in association with Experience International, Inc. for a UAE-based private sector investor. All proprietary sections have been deleted and this abridged version only provides technical information on the livestock, meat and dairy industries.

Far East and Pacific

Agriculture and Agribusiness Investment in South-east Asia

South-east Asia is one of the best investment opportunities in the world when it comes to agriculture and the food industry. The region is one of the most productive agricultural areas of the world, the main source of rice and high value tropical fruits and vegetables together with a growing source of feed materials, fish and meat. The purpose of this paper is to provide general information and context. It will be updated in 2016

Asia Region - Women in the Economy

These project concepts were prepared for the Richard Chandler Corporation in a joint venture between FoodWorks and Jetspark Specialist Support Service Limited of the UK.

Cambodia - Corn Investment Project Concept

This presentation is based on HLH Farm in Khompong Speu and was undertaken by FoodWorks as part of a joint-venture and now forms one of the project concepts in our pipeline of investment projects. The work was initially undertaken in 2011 and the deliverable includes a full "proof of concept" report as well as this PowerPoint presentation

Laos - Commodity Market Studies (click titles to download)

This work was done in 2014 and 2015 for the Northern Uplands Development Project (NUDP). 

              - Cardamom Study

              - Coffee Study

Note 1: With few exceptions, we do not provide examples of very recent or on-going work. The documents provided here illustrate work we have done in the past either directly or via our partner/affiliated companies.

Note 2: Confidentiality is one of the fundamental platforms of our reputation and our approach.  These selected reports are not encumbered by confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements; in all cases they are archived work and not covered by any existing contract. In places they have been redacted or abridged to remove any references to clients or client proprietary information. Others are already in the public domain via websites. We obtain approval from clients before referencing our work.

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