Agriculture and Agribusiness
FoodWorks provides professional services to both the public and private sectors. We have worked with major multinational corporations, regional development banks, donor agencies, government departments, NGOs and small and medium-sized enterprises. Our clients have included (Note 1):

The ADB is a valued client since 2005 when we provided project design services in Pakistan. We have subsequently worked with the Bank in Cambodia and Uzbekistan. Our CMS (Consulting Management Services) registration number is 019552
Our Senior Associate Partner and Horticulture Specialist, Ted Winston, worked on mango development under the auspices of USAID's 'Facilitating Economic Growth in Sri Lanka' program.
The Louis Berger Group (LBG) is a multi-purpose engineering, construction, design, planning and development firm; it is one of the largest USAID contractors. Via our partner, Agland Investments Inc., our work included Afghanistan (industry research on fruit juice) and Cambodia (scoping mission for horticulture development).
Undertook work for CARE International in Laos on primary food markets.
We undertook extensive assignments in Afghanistan, East Africa: food VCA in Somalia (horticulture and fishery), designed a food supply temperature management system (cool chain) and assessed alfalfa production and marketing in Somaliland, a commercial horticulture farm development plan in Uganda (green peppers) and analysed food distribution systems in Ethiopia (fish), Kenya (meat and fish) and Yemen (fish).
Provided services of the Fund's Senior Advisor and specialists in horticulture and fisheries. Undertook a major study of competitiveness in the agribusness sector in Pakistan. Managed a small grants programme focused largely on agriculture, especially dairy and grains production. Established Ministerial Task Force for Horticulture Sector Development.
Development Alternatives Inc. is one of the largest USAID contractors. Via our partner companies, Agland Investments Inc. and Experience International (EI) we have provided services to DAI-led project in Afghanistan (marketing) and Iraq (economic evaluation of livestock, farm mechanizatin and irrigation).
Amersham BioSciences (trading as “GE Healthcare”) was a major manufacturer and supplier of life-sciences technology including discovery systems (e.g., MegaBACE) and separation technologies (e.g., filtration membranes). FoodWorks investigated technologies and markets for both discovery and separation systems with a focus on Asia.
Our Senior Managing Partner, Fisheries and Livestock, Robert Lindley, undertook a (tuna) development project in Papua New Guinea. The work included an assessment of infratsructure and market research.
With Agland Investments Inc. we undertook a major survey of the possible export markets for Cambodian rice, both white and fragrant, as part of IFC's Business Support Programme.
In partnership with two Japanese companies, IDRC and JIN Corp, we prepared planning documents including sub-projects for the fishery and livestock sectors in South Sudan.
Procter & Gamble was our first client. We undertook a snack food equipment design and factory construction project in Fujian, China, that sourced least-cost process line equipment from global suppliers. We designed a new process flow. In addition we undertook the up-grading of a similar factory acquired by P&G in Malaysia.
In partnership with Experience International (EI) we provided a design team for Qatari Diar Real Estate which undertook the pre-feasibility for a 4,000 hectare intensive feed and livestock (cattle) farm in Pakistan Punjab
Working under the auspices of the Competitiveness Support Fund (CSF) and with USAID funding, in 2009 we designed a fund aimed to maximize competitive advantage, promote investment and create sustainable jobs in all sectors including fisheries, livestock/dairy and horticulture. Originally named the Sindh Development Fund, it has now become the SEDF.
Sub-contracted to SOFRECO (France) with ADF funding we provided expertise in coffee, cardamom and livestock value chains to the Northern Uplands Development Project in Laos.
Industrial market research in the beverage industry in Thailand.
In joint venture with ShiftIN Partners of Abu Dhabi, in 2016 we are undertaking the restructuring of a 35,000 hectare irrigated farm in Tabuk, north-west Saudi Arabia.
Undertook study of the fisheries industry in Thailand with a focus on tuna processing.
We have worked on numerous USAID-funded project as a sub-contractor to leading companies. Work has been undertaken by our experts in Afghanistan, Ghana, Kenya, Iraq, Pakistan, Somaliland and Yemen.
Our work via Experience International (EI) and Winrock International was undertaken for USDA
Provided evaluation services via Experience International (EI) to USDA-funded project in cool chain development in Balochistan Province of Pakistan. Our Director for the Greater Mekong Sub-region, Dr. Shane Tarr, has undertaken in conjunction with the World Bank-funded FCPF-REDD+ Project the Development of a Benefit-Sharing Mechanism utilizing a Co-Management Approach to share monetary and non-monetary benefits that may accrue from the Carbon Fund to reduce carbon emissions in Vietnam's upland and coastal forests.
Note 1: In some cases services are or were provided to the client via sub-contracts, in a partnership or in consortium with leading companies which are the prime contractor. Our Partners and Senior Associate Partners also bring their experience to FoodWorks and these clients are shown when appropriate. The work itself has been undertaken for the client named here by individuals directly and currently associated with FoodWorks. No on-going contractual relationship is implied with the named client. Nor do these clients guarantee or assume responsibility for the services of FoodWorks.