Agriculture and Agribusiness

Impacting Agro-Industry and Food Supply through Innovative Technology, and Sustainable, Responsible Investment
FoodWorks provides a wide range of professional expert services focused on innovative investment in agriculture-based industry including horticulture, fisheries and livestock. We work throughout the value chain in agribusiness, the food industry and related life and bio- sciences transferring the most up-to-date ideas and technologies

We are a British-owned provider of specialist expertise and technical services for innovation, technology transfer, and integration in agriculture, bioscience livestock/fisheries, and agribusiness projects. We work in challenging environments in developing countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
We are affiliated with the FoodWorks Group which is based in the UK, our original office is in Hong Kong, with regional representation in Thailand.

via FoodWorks Holding UK Limited
11, King's Parade, Cambridge, England CB2 1SJ, United Kingdom
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